"You can play these online games on most Android, HarmonyOS, Windows Phone and Apple iOS gadgets. Play on smartphone, tablet, laptop, desktop or smart television. Have fun and share this website with family and friends!"


KingdomRushFrontiers DRUGI NASTAVAK FENOMENALNE STRATEGIJE! Kraljevstvo je ponovo napadnuto! Odbrani se od Hordi, Trolova, zlih carobnjaka i drugih neprijatelja! Izgradi odbrambene tornjeve i ne dozvoli da prodju tvoje odbrambene snage. Iskoristi zaradjeno zlato za gradnju novih tornjeva. KONTROLE: [1] - Select/Cancel Rain of Fire spell. [2] - Select/Cancel Reinforcements spell. [3] - Select/Cancel Lightning Bolt spell (Premium content only) [4] - Activate/Cancel Sunray Tower. [SPACE] - Cancel any selected spell/power/rally point. [P] - Pauses the game. (*OVA IGRICA SE MALO DUZE PUNI ALI SE ISPLATI CEKATI*) 57MB
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